Your name in chinese Abdelali

How is Abdelali written in chinese?

Abdelali in simplified chinese:


Abdelali in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Abdelali in chinese?

Abdelali transcribed to pinyin:

ā bǔ dù lā lì

Pronunciation of Abdelali in chinese:

Picture of the name Abdelali in chinese:

The name Abdelali in chinese characters

Meaning of Abdelali characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
exclamation due to surprise
fortune telling; prophesy
stop, prevent; restrict; surname
pull, drag; seize, hold; lengthen
gains, advantage, profit, merit

Example sentences that contain Abdelali in chinese:

Abdelali wants to go to Japan


ābǔdùlālì xiǎng qù rìběn

Abdelali's friend has ten motorcycles


ābǔdùlālì de péngyǒu yǒu shí liàng mótuōchē

Abdelali now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Abdelali in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Anthonella 安东内拉
Chrystelle 克丽丝黛尔
Hillary 希拉里
Tafheem 塔夫海姆
Lapinig 拉皮尼格
Aodhan 奥丹
Meik 迈克
Durga 杜尔加
Yoel 约尔
Braidy 布雷迪

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