Your name in chinese Aberina

How is Aberina written in chinese?

Aberina in simplified chinese:


Aberina in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Aberina in chinese?

Aberina transcribed to pinyin:

ā bèi lì nà

Pronunciation of Aberina in chinese:

Picture of the name Aberina in chinese:

The name Aberina in chinese characters

Meaning of Aberina characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
exclamation due to surprise
sea shell; money, currency
beautiful, magnificent, elegant
elegant, graceful, delicate

Example sentences that contain Aberina in chinese:

Aberina has given three televisions a Ivonna


ābèilìnà gěi yīféngnà sòngle sān tái diànshì

Aberina's friend has three televisions


ābèilìnà de péngyǒu yǒu sān tái diànshì

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Nancy 南希
Antonio Diaz 安东尼奥·迪亚兹
Ilyes 伊利斯
Micka 米卡
Yenny 燕妮
Macaco 马卡科
Kovac 科瓦奇
Gaige 盖格
Rasidi 拉西迪
Neva 涅瓦河

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