Your name in chinese Acosta David

How is Acosta David written in chinese?

Acosta David in simplified chinese:


Acosta David in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Acosta David in chinese?

Acosta David transcribed to pinyin:

ā kē sī tǎ dà wèi

Pronunciation of Acosta David in chinese:

Picture of the name Acosta David in chinese:

The name Acosta David in chinese characters

Meaning of Acosta David characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
exclamation due to surprise
section, department, science
this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle
tower, spire, tall building
big, great, vast, large, high
guard, protect, defend

Example sentences that contain Acosta David in chinese:

Acosta David's friend has two dogs


ākēsītǎdàwèi de péngyǒu yǒu liǎng zhī gǒu

Acosta David has given two dogs a Alys


ākēsītǎdàwèi gěi àilìsī sòngle liǎng zhī gǒu

Acosta David now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Anaalee 安娜丽
Rakel 拉克尔
Ayzar 艾扎尔
Regnant 统治者
Amiee 艾米
Otniel 奥特尼尔
Jannete 珍妮特
Desi 德西
Hermione 赫敏
Matrhew 马修

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