Your name in chinese Adam Snyders
How is Adam Snyders written in chinese?
Adam Snyders in simplified chinese:
Adam Snyders in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Adam Snyders in chinese?
Adam Snyders transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Adam Snyders in chinese:
Picture of the name Adam Snyders in chinese:

Meaning of Adam Snyders characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
亚 | Asia; second |
当 | bear, accept, undertake; just |
斯 | this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle |
奈 | but, how; bear, stand, endure |
德 | ethics, morality, virtue |
斯 | this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle |
Example sentences that contain Adam Snyders in chinese:
Adam Snyders has given three cats a Jonatan
Adam Snyders's favorite color is blue
Adam Snyders now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Adam Snyders in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Khianalyn | 基亚那林 |
Yessica Paola | 耶西卡·保拉 |
Ezechiel | 以西结 |
Mapin | 马平 |
Khai | 凯 |
Regalo | 雷加洛 |
Nepheropito | 尼菲罗皮托 |
Auritz | 奥里茨 |
Simine | 西敏 |
Jannely | 珍妮莉 |