Your name in chinese Addam

How is Addam written in chinese?

Addam in simplified chinese:


Addam in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Addam in chinese?

Addam transcribed to pinyin:

yà dāng

Pronunciation of Addam in chinese:

Picture of the name Addam in chinese:

The name Addam in chinese characters

Meaning of Addam characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
Asia; second
bear, accept, undertake; just

Example sentences that contain Addam in chinese:

Addam's friend has two bikes


yàdāng de péngyǒu yǒu liǎng liàng zìxíngchē

Addam has given two bikes a Filipe


yàdāng gěi fēilìpèi sòngle liǎng liàng zìxíngchē

Addam now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Abderrahman 阿卜杜拉曼
Horacio 霍拉西奥
Fernanda Abigail 费尔南达·阿比盖尔
Acosta 阿科斯塔
Alvin 阿尔文
Serhiy 塞尔希
Rivo 里沃
Johannes 约翰内斯
Paityn 派恩

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