Your name in chinese Adolfo

How is Adolfo written in chinese?

Adolfo in simplified chinese:


Adolfo in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Adolfo in chinese?

Adolfo transcribed to pinyin:

ā dào fū

Pronunciation of Adolfo in chinese:

Picture of the name Adolfo in chinese:

The name Adolfo in chinese characters

Meaning of Adolfo characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
exclamation due to surprise
path, road, street; method, way
man, male adult, husband; those

Example sentences that contain Adolfo in chinese:

Adolfo has given four books a Ann Wang


ādàofū gěi wángān sòngle sì běn shū

Adolfo's favorite color is black


ādàofū zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì hēisè

Adolfo now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Hipolita 沙棘
Genoveva 热诺娃
Mail 邮件
Nihed 尼赫德
Lanna 兰娜
Ward 哇儿得
Letitcia 莱蒂恰
Tihah 蒂哈
Jeeya 吉亚
Jomoreo 乔莫雷奥

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