Your name in chinese Aedan

How is Aedan written in chinese?

Aedan in simplified chinese:


Aedan in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Aedan in chinese?

Aedan transcribed to pinyin:

yī dān

Pronunciation of Aedan in chinese:

Picture of the name Aedan in chinese:

The name Aedan in chinese characters

Meaning of Aedan characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
third person pronoun; he, she, this, that
cinnabar (native HgS); vermilion (artificial HgS used as pigment)

Example sentences that contain Aedan in chinese:

Aedan's favorite fruit is the orange


yīdān zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì chéngzi

Aedan's friend has seven houses


yīdān de péngyǒu yǒu qī jiān fángzi

Aedan now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Heidi 海蒂
Selim 塞利姆
Iban 伊班
Ana Patricia 安娜·帕特里夏
Dwayne Hiles 德韦恩希尔斯
Manuel Angel 曼努埃尔·天使
Keilvin 凯尔文
Moonlight 月光
Algie 阿尔吉
Ezio 埃齐奥

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