Your name in chinese Afsaf
How is Afsaf written in chinese?
Afsaf in simplified chinese:
Afsaf in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Afsaf in chinese?
Afsaf transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Afsaf in chinese:
Picture of the name Afsaf in chinese:

Meaning of Afsaf characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
阿 | exclamation due to surprise |
夫 | man, male adult, husband; those |
萨 | Buddhist gods or immortals |
夫 | man, male adult, husband; those |
Example sentences that contain Afsaf in chinese:
Afsaf's favorite fruit is the strawberry
Afsaf has given nine books a Senshy
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Alam | 阿拉姆 |
Aracena | 阿拉塞纳 |
Elspeth | 埃斯佩思 |
Oualid | 瓦利德 |
Almaira | 阿尔迈拉 |
Josse | 乔斯 |
Elliette | 艾丽特 |
Alejandro Antonio | 亚历山大·安东尼奥 |
Sun | 太阳 |
Coy | 腼腆 |