Your name in chinese Ahmadjon

How is Ahmadjon written in chinese?

Ahmadjon in simplified chinese:


Ahmadjon in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Ahmadjon in chinese?

Ahmadjon transcribed to pinyin:

aì hǎ mài dé qióng

Pronunciation of Ahmadjon in chinese:

Picture of the name Ahmadjon in chinese:

The name Ahmadjon in chinese characters

Meaning of Ahmadjon characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
artemisia, mugwort; translit.
sound of laughter
take a big stride; pass by
ethics, morality, virtue
jade; rare, precious; elegant; (Cant.) to coagulate

Example sentences that contain Ahmadjon in chinese:

Ahmadjon's friend has seven houses


aìhǎmàidéqióng de péngyǒu yǒu qī jiān fángzi

Ahmadjon has given seven houses a Any


aìhǎmàidéqióng gěi rènhé sòngle qī jiān fángzi

Ahmadjon now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Stein 斯坦
Dodge 躲闪
Aloura 阿洛拉
Rayyan 雷扬
Mayarlett 马亚莱特
Marlin 马林
Bene 贝尼
Nayan 纳扬
Fortune 财富
Taeyeong 泰英

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