Your name in chinese Ahmadjon
How is Ahmadjon written in chinese?
Ahmadjon in simplified chinese:
Ahmadjon in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Ahmadjon in chinese?
Ahmadjon transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Ahmadjon in chinese:
Picture of the name Ahmadjon in chinese:

Meaning of Ahmadjon characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
艾 | artemisia, mugwort; translit. |
哈 | sound of laughter |
迈 | take a big stride; pass by |
德 | ethics, morality, virtue |
琼 | jade; rare, precious; elegant; (Cant.) to coagulate |
Example sentences that contain Ahmadjon in chinese:
Ahmadjon's friend has seven houses
Ahmadjon has given seven houses a Any
Ahmadjon now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Ahmadjon in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Stein | 斯坦 |
Dodge | 躲闪 |
Aloura | 阿洛拉 |
Rayyan | 雷扬 |
Mayarlett | 马亚莱特 |
Marlin | 马林 |
Bene | 贝尼 |
Nayan | 纳扬 |
Fortune | 财富 |
Taeyeong | 泰英 |