Your name in chinese Ailun Hao

How is Ailun Hao written in chinese?

Ailun Hao in simplified chinese:


Ailun Hao in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Ailun Hao in chinese?

Ailun Hao transcribed to pinyin:

hǎo ài lún

Pronunciation of Ailun Hao in chinese:

Picture of the name Ailun Hao in chinese:

The name Ailun Hao in chinese characters

Meaning of Ailun Hao characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
surname; place in modern Shanxi
artemisia, mugwort; translit.
normal human relationships

Example sentences that contain Ailun Hao in chinese:

Ailun Hao's friend has three bikes


hǎoàilún de péngyǒu yǒu sān liàng zìxíngchē

Ailun Hao wants to go to Mexico


hǎoàilún xiǎng qù mòxīgē

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Beatriz Maria 比阿特丽斯·玛丽亚
Davy 戴维
Loukas 卢卡斯
Kyouka 京香
Jose Alejandro 何塞·亚历杭德罗
Poep 诗人
Kahlan 卡兰
Lancelot 兰斯洛特
Aissata 艾萨塔

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