Your name in chinese Al Fatih
How is Al Fatih written in chinese?
Al Fatih in simplified chinese:
Al Fatih in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Al Fatih in chinese?
Al Fatih transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Al Fatih in chinese:
Picture of the name Al Fatih in chinese:

Meaning of Al Fatih characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
法 | law, rule, regulation, statute; France, French |
提 | hold in hand; lift in hand |
赫 | bright, radiant, glowing |
Example sentences that contain Al Fatih in chinese:
Al Fatih's favorite fruit is the tomato
Al Fatih's favorite color is pink
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Kevin Frank | 凯文·弗兰克 |
Audi | 奥迪 |
Andresa | 安德烈萨 |
Louey | 路易 |
Shalonda | 沙隆达 |
Irwin | 欧文 |
Lilian | 丽莲 |
Liones | 狮子座 |
Tamila | 塔米拉 |
Marlot | 马洛 |