Your name in chinese Alin
How is Alin written in chinese?
Alin in simplified chinese:
Alin in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Alin in chinese?
Alin transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Alin in chinese:
Picture of the name Alin in chinese:

Meaning of Alin characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
阿 | exclamation due to surprise |
林 | forest, grove; surname |
Example sentences that contain Alin in chinese:
Alin has given four televisions a Trimurti
Alin is studying spanish
Alin now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Alin in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Yered | 耶雷德 |
Tely | 泰利 |
Belmin | 贝尔明 |
Matis | 马蒂斯 |
Carmen Delia | 卡门·迪莉亚 |
Azriel | 阿兹瑞尔 |
Nga Tran | 雅苒 |
Mayumi | 真由美 |
Alberto Carlos | 阿尔贝托·卡洛斯 |
Joshua Jarhe | 约书亚·贾赫 |