Your name in chinese Allan
How is Allan written in chinese?
Allan in simplified chinese:
Allan in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Allan in chinese?
Allan transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Allan in chinese:
Picture of the name Allan in chinese:

Meaning of Allan characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
艾 | artemisia, mugwort; translit. |
伦 | normal human relationships |
Example sentences that contain Allan in chinese:
Allan wants to go to Russia
Allan's favorite color is blue
Allan now also in japanese
Now you can also see and hear how to say Allan in japanese!

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Terrance | 特伦斯 |
Liberato | 解放者 |
Nohely | 诺赫利 |
Ameera | 阿米拉 |
Baran | 巴兰 |
Djessy | 杰西 |
Heliodoro | 赫里奥多罗 |
Shu Ni | 舒妮 |
Abeja | 阿贝贾 |
Bernnett | 贝内特 |