Your name in chinese Amarillo
How is Amarillo written in chinese?
Amarillo in simplified chinese:
Amarillo in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Amarillo in chinese?
Amarillo transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Amarillo in chinese:
Picture of the name Amarillo in chinese:

Meaning of Amarillo characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
黄 | yellow; surname |
色 | color, tint, hue, shade; form, body; beauty, desire for beauty |
的 | possessive, adjectival suffix |
Example sentences that contain Amarillo in chinese:
Amarillo's favorite color is white
Amarillo's friend has three motorcycles
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Teva | 梯瓦 |
Kalid | 卡利德 |
Oier | 欧尔 |
Balmore | 巴尔摩 |
Peyton | 佩顿 |
Jesiah | 耶稣 |
Fajta | 法伊塔 |
Anya Foster | 安雅福斯特 |
Yuliza | 尤利扎 |
Dionisio | 迪奥尼西奥 |