Your name in chinese Amzad

How is Amzad written in chinese?

Amzad in simplified chinese:


Amzad in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Amzad in chinese?

Amzad transcribed to pinyin:

ā mǔ zā dé

Pronunciation of Amzad in chinese:

Picture of the name Amzad in chinese:

The name Amzad in chinese characters

Meaning of Amzad characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
exclamation due to surprise
nurse, babysitter
pull up; pierce; struggle free
ethics, morality, virtue

Example sentences that contain Amzad in chinese:

Amzad wants to go to Peru


āmǔzādé xiǎng qù bìlǔ

Amzad is studying russian


āmǔzādé zhèngzài xuéxí èyǔ

Amzad now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Amzad in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Cherlyn 雪琳
Ramel 拉梅尔
Maria Patrocinio 玛丽亚赞助
Jesus Francisco 耶稣弗朗西斯科
Kaiwon 开元
Hango 韩果
Lorea 洛雷亚
Pranutha 普拉努塔
Saez 赛斯
Leonardo Gabriel 莱昂纳多·加布里埃尔

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