Your name in chinese An Nuar
How is An Nuar written in chinese?
An Nuar in simplified chinese:
An Nuar in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce An Nuar in chinese?
An Nuar transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of An Nuar in chinese:
Picture of the name An Nuar in chinese:

Meaning of An Nuar characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
安 | peaceful, tranquil, quiet |
努 | to exert, strive, make an effort; to pout |
尔 | you; that, those; final particle |
Example sentences that contain An Nuar in chinese:
An Nuar's favorite fruit is the banana
An Nuar wants to go to Chile
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Gakob | 加科布 |
Helga | 海尔加 |
Botond | 博通 |
Zaini | 再尼 |
Oswaldo Chavez | 奥斯瓦尔多·查韦斯 |
Celen | 赛伦 |
Chev | 雪佛 |
Paresseux | 帕雷瑟 |
Woo | 呜 |
Laylay | 莱莱 |