Your name in chinese Ancley

How is Ancley written in chinese?

Ancley in simplified chinese:


Ancley in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Ancley in chinese?

Ancley transcribed to pinyin:

ān lè

Pronunciation of Ancley in chinese:

Picture of the name Ancley in chinese:

The name Ancley in chinese characters

Meaning of Ancley characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
peaceful, tranquil, quiet
happy, glad; enjoyable; music

Example sentences that contain Ancley in chinese:

Ancley wants to go to United Kingdom


ānlè xiǎng qù yīngguó

Ancley has given seven motorcycles a Olivares


ānlè gěi àolìwǎléisī sòngle qī liàng mótuōchē

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
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Lyliane 莉莉安
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Julia Krenz 朱莉娅克伦茨
Indonto 印东托
Azane 阿扎内

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