Your name in chinese Andar

How is Andar written in chinese?

Andar in simplified chinese:


Andar in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Andar in chinese?

Andar transcribed to pinyin:

bù xíng

Pronunciation of Andar in chinese:

Picture of the name Andar in chinese:

The name Andar in chinese characters

Meaning of Andar characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
step, pace; walk, stroll
go; walk; move, travel; circulate

Example sentences that contain Andar in chinese:

Andar's favorite fruit is the strawberry


bùxíng zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì cǎoméi

Andar has given four cats a Sela


bùxíng gěi sèlā sòngle sì zhī māo

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Kirat 基拉特
Obi Wan 欧比湾
Chuky 楚基
Placide 普莱西德
Bayu 巴渝
Hillan 黑兰
Aura 光环
Afrodita 阿弗洛迪塔
Fidel Junior 菲德尔少年
Garikoitz 加里科兹

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