Your name in chinese Angel Ramon

How is Angel Ramon written in chinese?

Angel Ramon in simplified chinese:


Angel Ramon in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Angel Ramon in chinese?

Angel Ramon transcribed to pinyin:

tiān shǐ lā mēng

Pronunciation of Angel Ramon in chinese:

Picture of the name Angel Ramon in chinese:

The name Angel Ramon in chinese characters

Meaning of Angel Ramon characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
sky, heaven; god, celestial
使 cause, send on a mission, order; envoy, messenger, ambassador
pull, drag; seize, hold; lengthen
cover; ignorant; suffer; mongolia

Example sentences that contain Angel Ramon in chinese:

Angel Ramon wants to go to China


tiānshǐlāmēng xiǎng qù zhōngguó

Angel Ramon has given six motorcycles a Ikusan


tiānshǐlāmēng gěi shēngsān sòngle liù liàng mótuōchē

Angel Ramon now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Fadi 法迪
Ceferina 切费里纳
Estefano 埃斯特法诺
Celiane 西莉安
Jaineilis 贾内利斯
Zino 齐诺
Marifel 马里菲尔
Edwards 爱德华兹
Johari 乔哈里
Palmira 巴尔米拉

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