Your name in chinese Aniceta

How is Aniceta written in chinese?

Aniceta in simplified chinese:


Aniceta in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Aniceta in chinese?

Aniceta transcribed to pinyin:

fèng wěi mù

Pronunciation of Aniceta in chinese:

Picture of the name Aniceta in chinese:

The name Aniceta in chinese characters

Meaning of Aniceta characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
male phoenix; symbol of joy
tail, extremity; end, stern
eye; look, see; division, topic

Example sentences that contain Aniceta in chinese:

Aniceta's friend has nine dogs


fèngwěimù de péngyǒu yǒu jiǔ zhī gǒu

Aniceta and Marino are very good friends


fèngwěimù hé hǎijūnlùzhànduì shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Aniceta now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Domenica 多梅尼卡
Ashiri 足走
Mariano Garcia 马里亚诺·加西亚
Sato 佐藤
Francisco Tomas 弗朗西斯科·托马斯
Xugeng 徐耕
Mario Jose 马里奥·何塞
Pete 皮特
Jalil 扎里尔
Sabine 萨宾

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