Your name in chinese Annina
How is Annina written in chinese?
Annina in simplified chinese:
Annina in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Annina in chinese?
Annina transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Annina in chinese:
Picture of the name Annina in chinese:

Meaning of Annina characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
安 | peaceful, tranquil, quiet |
妮 | maid, servant girl; cute girl |
娜 | elegant, graceful, delicate |
Example sentences that contain Annina in chinese:
Annina is studying english
Annina has given two televisions a Hodaka
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Papty | 帕蒂 |
Tylio | 泰利欧 |
Lilia Sophia | 莉莉娅索菲亚 |
Sabbir | 萨比尔 |
Djalma | 贾尔玛 |
Jacson | 杰克逊 |
Marie Isabelle | 玛丽·伊莎贝尔 |
Reema | 雷玛 |
Ara | 阿拉 |
Yudit | 尤迪特 |