Your name in chinese Antoon

How is Antoon written in chinese?

Antoon in simplified chinese:


Antoon in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Antoon in chinese?

Antoon transcribed to pinyin:

ān dōng

Pronunciation of Antoon in chinese:

Picture of the name Antoon in chinese:

The name Antoon in chinese characters

Meaning of Antoon characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
peaceful, tranquil, quiet
east, eastern, eastward

Example sentences that contain Antoon in chinese:

Antoon and Mariah are very good friends


āndōng hé mǎlìyà shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Antoon's favorite fruit is the strawberry


āndōng zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì cǎoméi

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Nouha 努哈
Mijayla 米杰拉
Tyguoune 蒂古恩
Kahlan 卡兰
Mojo 魔精
Muaz 穆阿兹
Maria Caridad 玛丽亚·卡里达德
Keiryn 凯林
Lixue 立学
Noegerrath 诺格拉特

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