Your name in chinese Apolline

How is Apolline written in chinese?

Apolline in simplified chinese:


Apolline in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Apolline in chinese?

Apolline transcribed to pinyin:

ā bō lín

Pronunciation of Apolline in chinese:

Picture of the name Apolline in chinese:

The name Apolline in chinese characters

Meaning of Apolline characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
exclamation due to surprise
waves, breakers; undulations
beautiful jade, gem

Example sentences that contain Apolline in chinese:

Apolline wants to go to France


ābōlín xiǎng qù fàguó

Apolline has given three trees a Edwin Adame


ābōlín gěi āidéwēn·ādáméi sòngle sān kē shù

Apolline now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
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Julian Andres 朱利安·安德烈斯
Santy 桑蒂
Sister 姐姐
Cecile 塞西尔
Tiffany 蒂芙尼
Marie Jennifer 玛丽珍妮弗
Doctor 医生
Said 赛义德
Leonisa 莱奥尼萨

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