Your name in chinese Aquiles

How is Aquiles written in chinese?

Aquiles in simplified chinese:


Aquiles in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Aquiles in chinese?

Aquiles transcribed to pinyin:

ā kuí lái sī

Pronunciation of Aquiles in chinese:

Picture of the name Aquiles in chinese:

The name Aquiles in chinese characters

Meaning of Aquiles characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
exclamation due to surprise
stride of man; one of the twenty-eight lunar mansions
goosefoot, weed; fallow field
this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle

Example sentences that contain Aquiles in chinese:

Aquiles's favorite color is green


ākuíláisī zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì lǜsè

Aquiles's friend has two trees


ākuíláisī de péngyǒu yǒu liǎng kē shù

Aquiles now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Li Yun 李云
Hyatt 凯悦
Umali 乌马里
Shyrine 神社
Diamant 钻石
Sienna 西耶娜
Krissia 克里斯西亚
Elyvina 艾丽维娜
Marlen 马伦
Saturnino 萨图尼诺

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