Your name in chinese Arataki Itto

How is Arataki Itto written in chinese?

Arataki Itto in simplified chinese:


Arataki Itto in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Arataki Itto in chinese?

Arataki Itto transcribed to pinyin:

xīn lóng yī dōng

Pronunciation of Arataki Itto in chinese:

Picture of the name Arataki Itto in chinese:

The name Arataki Itto in chinese characters

Meaning of Arataki Itto characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
new, recent, fresh, modern
raining; wet; soaked; a river in Guangdong
one; a, an; alone
east, eastern, eastward

Example sentences that contain Arataki Itto in chinese:

Arataki Itto is studying french


xīnlóngyīdōng zhèngzài xuéxí fǎwén

Arataki Itto's favorite fruit is the handle


xīnlóngyīdōng zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì mángguǒ

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Atenea 雅典娜
Ayash 阿亚什
Klaus 克劳斯
Eliud 埃柳德
Pierre Louis 皮埃尔·路易斯
Rotha 罗莎
Olszanski 奥尔尚斯基
Talabi 塔拉比
Valentin 瓦伦丁
Ilena 伊莲娜

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