Your name in chinese Arisa

How is Arisa written in chinese?

Arisa in simplified chinese:


Arisa in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Arisa in chinese?

Arisa transcribed to pinyin:

yà lǐ shā

Pronunciation of Arisa in chinese:

Picture of the name Arisa in chinese:

The name Arisa in chinese characters

Meaning of Arisa characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
Asia; second
unit of distance; village; lane
sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated

Example sentences that contain Arisa in chinese:

Arisa is studying french


yàlǐshā zhèngzài xuéxí fǎwén

Arisa has given nine dogs a Rori


yàlǐshā gěi luólì sòngle jiǔ zhī gǒu

Arisa now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Loetitia 洛蒂蒂亚
Lycha 荔枝
Gigi Hadid 吉吉·哈迪德
Yordan 约丹
Felix Antonio 费利克斯·安东尼奥
Avon 雅芳
Yenory 耶诺里
Ziho 子和
Tonda 通达

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