Your name in chinese Asi

How is Asi written in chinese?

Asi in simplified chinese:


Asi in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Asi in chinese?

Asi transcribed to pinyin:

rú cǐ

Pronunciation of Asi in chinese:

Picture of the name Asi in chinese:

The name Asi in chinese characters

Meaning of Asi characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
if, supposing; as if; like, as
this, these; in this case, then

Example sentences that contain Asi in chinese:

Asi has given five trees a Jesusines


rúcǐ gěi yésūhuì sòngle wǔ kē shù

Asi's favorite fruit is the orange


rúcǐ zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì chéngzi

Asi now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Iciar 伊恰尔
Remigio 雷米吉奥
Malaky 马拉基
Xanthe 黄药
Gwendoline 格温多琳
Pili 霹雳
Ayken 艾肯
Rishit 里希特
Asai 浅井
Narcisa 那儿资撒

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