Your name in chinese Astroworld
How is Astroworld written in chinese?
Astroworld in simplified chinese:
Astroworld in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Astroworld in chinese?
Astroworld transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Astroworld in chinese:
Picture of the name Astroworld in chinese:

Meaning of Astroworld characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
天 | sky, heaven; god, celestial |
文 | literature, culture, writing |
世 | generation; world; era |
界 | boundary, limit; domain; society; the world |
Example sentences that contain Astroworld in chinese:
Astroworld and Milani Love are very good friends
Astroworld's friend has two motorcycles
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Noemi | 直美 |
Rasheed | 拉希德 |
Amparo | 安帕罗 |
Parker | 帕克 |
Hernando | 埃尔南多 |
Taurus | 金牛座 |
Stefano | 斯特凡诺 |
Ruben Kwok | 郭鲁本 |
Kyler | 凯勒 |
Bryleigh | 布莱里 |