Your name in chinese Aurora Maria

How is Aurora Maria written in chinese?

Aurora Maria in simplified chinese:


Aurora Maria in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Aurora Maria in chinese?

Aurora Maria transcribed to pinyin:

jí guāng mǎ lì yà

Pronunciation of Aurora Maria in chinese:

Picture of the name Aurora Maria in chinese:

The name Aurora Maria in chinese characters

Meaning of Aurora Maria characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
extreme, utmost, furthest, final
light, brilliant, shine; only
agate; cornelian
beautiful, magnificent, elegant
Asia; second

Example sentences that contain Aurora Maria in chinese:

Aurora Maria's favorite color is yellow


jíguāngmǎlìyà zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì huángsè

Aurora Maria and Samsiga are very good friends


jíguāngmǎlìyà hé sānxījiā shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Aurora Maria now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Naoual 纳乌尔
Plascencia 普拉森恰
Daragh 达拉格
Anakaren 阿纳卡伦
Jadan 贾丹
Aidry 艾德里
Lysea 莉西亚
Ferdinand Davids 费迪南德戴维斯
Charlemagne 查理曼
Maria Nelida 玛丽亚·内里达

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