Your name in chinese Auspicious
How is Auspicious written in chinese?
Auspicious in simplified chinese:
Auspicious in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Auspicious in chinese?
Auspicious transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Auspicious in chinese:
Picture of the name Auspicious in chinese:

Meaning of Auspicious characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
吉 | lucky, propitious, good |
祥 | good luck, good omen; happiness |
的 | possessive, adjectival suffix |
Example sentences that contain Auspicious in chinese:
Auspicious's favorite fruit is the watermelon
Auspicious's friend has nine houses
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Jean Baptiste | 让·巴蒂斯特 |
Aketzali | 阿克扎利 |
Orisa | 奥丽莎 |
Sanaa | 萨那 |
Jayvoeun | 杰文 |
Lily | 莉莉 |
Bruner | 布鲁纳 |
Carey | 凯里 |
Canova | 卡诺瓦 |
Tallulah | 塔卢拉 |