Your name in chinese Aya

How is Aya written in chinese?

Aya in simplified chinese:


Aya in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Aya in chinese?

Aya transcribed to pinyin:

nu jiào shī

Pronunciation of Aya in chinese:

Picture of the name Aya in chinese:

The name Aya in chinese characters

Meaning of Aya characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38
teach, class
teacher, master, specialist

Example sentences that contain Aya in chinese:

Aya has given three cats a Mirielle


nujiàoshī gěi mǐruìěr sòngle sān zhī māo

Aya's favorite color is blue


nujiàoshī zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì lánsè

Aya now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Aya in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Miandabu 棉大布
Dicyrell 迪西瑞尔
Talila 塔利拉
Lulex 卢勒克斯
Enery 能源
Zlatko 兹拉特科
Eunha 银荷
Biali 比亚利
Kayrold 凯罗德

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