Your name in chinese Ba Lakay

How is Ba Lakay written in chinese?

Ba Lakay in simplified chinese:


Ba Lakay in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Ba Lakay in chinese?

Ba Lakay transcribed to pinyin:

bā lā kǎi

Pronunciation of Ba Lakay in chinese:

Picture of the name Ba Lakay in chinese:

The name Ba Lakay in chinese characters

Meaning of Ba Lakay characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
greatly desire, anxiously hope
pull, drag; seize, hold; lengthen
triumphant; triumph, victory

Example sentences that contain Ba Lakay in chinese:

Ba Lakay's favorite color is black


bālākǎi zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì hēisè

Ba Lakay is studying chinese


bālākǎi zhèngzài xuéxí zhōngwén

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Rose Sel 玫瑰色
Mahina 马希娜
Irenee 艾琳
Mitchely 米切利
Kenzo 贤三
Laurin 劳林
Armero 阿尔梅罗
Brenton 布伦顿
Mokrian 莫克里安

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