Your name in chinese Bakary

How is Bakary written in chinese?

Bakary in simplified chinese:


Bakary in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Bakary in chinese?

Bakary transcribed to pinyin:

bā qiǎ lǐ

Pronunciation of Bakary in chinese:

Picture of the name Bakary in chinese:

The name Bakary in chinese characters

Meaning of Bakary characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
greatly desire, anxiously hope
card, punch card; calorie
unit of distance; village; lane

Example sentences that contain Bakary in chinese:

Bakary and Marc are very good friends


bāqiǎlǐ hé mǎkè shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Bakary has given five watches a Marc


bāqiǎlǐ gěi mǎkè sòngle wǔ ge shǒubiǎo

Bakary now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Maria Henar 玛丽亚·赫纳
Keylin 可林
Dionne 迪翁
Alberto Carlos 阿尔贝托·卡洛斯
Anunciacion 雅诺嗯思阿思哦呢
Nahir 纳希尔
Nuriel 努里尔
Sav 保存
Aslan 阿斯兰
Gery 盖瑞

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