Your name in chinese Basado
How is Basado written in chinese?
Basado in simplified chinese:
Basado in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Basado in chinese?
Basado transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Basado in chinese:
Picture of the name Basado in chinese:

Meaning of Basado characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
根 | root, base(d on); foundation |
据 | to occupy, take possession of; a base, position |
Example sentences that contain Basado in chinese:
Basado wants to go to United Kingdom
Basado's favorite color is white
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Owl | 猫头鹰 |
Charlot | 夏洛 |
Naslie | 纳斯利 |
Deborah | 德博拉 |
Cathaysa | 国泰 |
Miamacarena | 米亚马卡雷纳 |
Jesila | 耶西拉 |
Anna Marie | 安娜玛丽 |
Moniche | 莫尼切 |
Lckas | 卡卡斯 |