Your name in chinese Basil

How is Basil written in chinese?

Basil in simplified chinese:


Basil in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Basil in chinese?

Basil transcribed to pinyin:

luó lè

Pronunciation of Basil in chinese:

Picture of the name Basil in chinese:

The name Basil in chinese characters

Meaning of Basil characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
net for catching birds; gauze
strangle, tighten

Example sentences that contain Basil in chinese:

Basil's favorite fruit is the peach


luólè zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì táozi

Basil has given two dogs a Maiwen


luólè gěi màiwén sòngle liǎng zhī gǒu

Basil now also in japanese

Now you can also see and hear how to say Basil in japanese!

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Aramisu 荒蜜
Sheyn 谢恩
Charles Antoine 查尔斯·安托万
Feldman 费尔德曼
Cornel 康奈尔
Adamaris 阿达马里斯
Remedios 补救措施
Martina 玛蒂娜
Orane 奥兰
Theophile 特哦非乐

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