Your name in chinese Bastardo
How is Bastardo written in chinese?
Bastardo in simplified chinese:
Bastardo in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Bastardo in chinese?
Bastardo transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Bastardo in chinese:
Picture of the name Bastardo in chinese:

Meaning of Bastardo characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
混 | to mix, blend, mingle; to bumble along |
蛋 | eggs; term of abuse |
Example sentences that contain Bastardo in chinese:
Bastardo's favorite fruit is the strawberry
Bastardo has given three books a Lahcene
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Brett | 布雷特 |
Charaf | 查拉夫 |
Gerome | 杰罗姆 |
Emerick | 埃默里克 |
Wladyslaw | 瓦迪斯瓦夫 |
Solweig | 索尔维格 |
Osorio | 奥索里奥 |
Chen | 陈 |
Padre | 教士 |
Lolo | 洛洛 |