Your name in chinese Bayardo
How is Bayardo written in chinese?
Bayardo in simplified chinese:
Bayardo in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Bayardo in chinese?
Bayardo transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Bayardo in chinese:
Picture of the name Bayardo in chinese:

Meaning of Bayardo characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
贝 | sea shell; money, currency |
亚 | Asia; second |
德 | ethics, morality, virtue |
Example sentences that contain Bayardo in chinese:
Bayardo's friend has eight cars
Bayardo's favorite color is blue
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Bourbon | 波旁酒 |
Binh | 平 |
Luis Secre | 路易斯·塞克雷 |
Keza | 克萨 |
Shya | 夏亚 |
Taja | 塔哈 |
Uzziah | 乌西雅 |
Maeva Martel | 玛瓦马特尔 |
Zuly | 祖利 |
That | 那 |