Your name in chinese Becky Jo
How is Becky Jo written in chinese?
Becky Jo in simplified chinese:
Becky Jo in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Becky Jo in chinese?
Becky Jo transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Becky Jo in chinese:
Picture of the name Becky Jo in chinese:

Meaning of Becky Jo characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
贝 | sea shell; money, currency |
基 | foundation, base |
乔 | tall, lofty; proud, stately |
Example sentences that contain Becky Jo in chinese:
Becky Jo is studying russian
Becky Jo has given four trees a Anto
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Rana Sb | 林蛙 |
Kaan | 卡安 |
Min Ah | 敏啊 |
Jemie | 杰米 |
De Cheveigne | 德舍维涅 |
Joan Lorenzo | 琼·洛伦佐 |
Annette | 安妮特 |
Jhesef | 杰瑟夫 |
Nastassia | 纳斯塔西娅 |
Dresmar | 德雷斯马尔 |