Your name in chinese Belgin

How is Belgin written in chinese?

Belgin in simplified chinese:


Belgin in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Belgin in chinese?

Belgin transcribed to pinyin:

bǐ lì shí

Pronunciation of Belgin in chinese:

Picture of the name Belgin in chinese:

The name Belgin in chinese characters

Meaning of Belgin characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
to compare, liken; comparison; than
gains, advantage, profit, merit
time, season; era, age, period

Example sentences that contain Belgin in chinese:

Belgin and Natheo are very good friends


bǐlìshí hé nàxīào shì fēicháng hǎo de péngyǒu

Belgin's friend has ten bikes


bǐlìshí de péngyǒu yǒu shí liàng zìxíngchē

Belgin now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Zara 扎拉
Berato 贝拉托
Gregory 格雷戈里
Cetan 锡坦
Becka 贝卡
Jamjam 果酱
Darine 达琳
Mends 修补
Iwin 我赢了
John Paul 约翰·保罗

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