Your name in chinese Bellido
How is Bellido written in chinese?
Bellido in simplified chinese:
Bellido in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Bellido in chinese?
Bellido transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Bellido in chinese:
Picture of the name Bellido in chinese:

Meaning of Bellido characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
贝 | sea shell; money, currency |
利 | gains, advantage, profit, merit |
多 | much, many; more than, over |
Example sentences that contain Bellido in chinese:
Bellido is studying english
Bellido and Rlisa are very good friends
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Abdelnour | 阿卜杜勒诺 |
Hanada | 花田 |
Supyae | 苏比埃 |
Iliane | 伊莲娜 |
Malick | 马利克 |
Pring | 普林 |
Pacome | 帕科姆 |
Shakil | 沙基尔 |
Jose Jorge | 何塞·豪尔赫 |
Amalia | 阿玛利亚 |