Your name in chinese Best Friend
How is Best Friend written in chinese?
Best Friend in simplified chinese:
Best Friend in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Best Friend in chinese?
Best Friend transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Best Friend in chinese:
Picture of the name Best Friend in chinese:

Meaning of Best Friend characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
最 | most, extremely, exceedingly |
好 | good, excellent, fine; well |
的 | possessive, adjectival suffix |
朋 | friend, pal, acquaintance |
友 | friend, companion; fraternity |
Example sentences that contain Best Friend in chinese:
Best Friend is studying chinese
Best Friend and Lexy are very good friends
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Ayaz | 阿亚兹 |
Hudson | 哈德森 |
Abdelbast | 阿卜杜勒巴斯特 |
Yamila | 亚米拉 |
Akira Toriyama | 鸟山明 |
Kadu | 卡杜 |
Chino | 奇诺 |
Dayvon | 戴冯 |
Yaylin | 亚林 |
Benjy | 本杰 |