Your name in chinese Biboy

How is Biboy written in chinese?

Biboy in simplified chinese:


Biboy in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Biboy in chinese?

Biboy transcribed to pinyin:

bǐ bó yī

Pronunciation of Biboy in chinese:

Picture of the name Biboy in chinese:

The name Biboy in chinese characters

Meaning of Biboy characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
to compare, liken; comparison; than
gamble, play games; wide, broad
third person pronoun; he, she, this, that

Example sentences that contain Biboy in chinese:

Biboy's favorite fruit is the pineapple


bǐbóyī zuì xǐhuān de shuǐguǒ shì bōluó

Biboy is studying spanish


bǐbóyī zhèngzài xuéxí xībānyáyǔ

Biboy now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

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Karoline 卡罗琳
Lechauve 勒肖夫
Anya Foster 安雅福斯特
Marisa Yulian 玛丽莎于莲
Ainul 艾努尔
Navdeep 导航深度

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