Your name in chinese Bienvenido

How is Bienvenido written in chinese?

Bienvenido in simplified chinese:


Bienvenido in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Bienvenido in chinese?

Bienvenido transcribed to pinyin:

bǐ ēn bèi nǐ duō

Pronunciation of Bienvenido in chinese:

Picture of the name Bienvenido in chinese:

The name Bienvenido in chinese characters

Meaning of Bienvenido characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
to compare, liken; comparison; than
kindness, mercy, charity
for (used to indicate passive voice)
you, second person pronoun
much, many; more than, over

Example sentences that contain Bienvenido in chinese:

Bienvenido's favorite color is blue


bǐēnbèinǐduō zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì lánsè

Bienvenido's friend has six motorcycles


bǐēnbèinǐduō de péngyǒu yǒu liù liàng mótuōchē

Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
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Kelvin 开尔文
Yena 耶娜
Thiago Joel 蒂亚戈·乔尔
Mary Alice 玛丽爱丽丝
Gaoussou 高扫
Lambert 兰伯特
Mariella Ovido 玛丽埃拉·奥维多
Svetla Izvorova 斯维特拉·伊兹沃罗娃

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