Your name in chinese Big Bird
How is Big Bird written in chinese?
Big Bird in simplified chinese:
Big Bird in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Big Bird in chinese?
Big Bird transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Big Bird in chinese:
Picture of the name Big Bird in chinese:

Meaning of Big Bird characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
大 | big, great, vast, large, high |
鸟 | bird; KangXi radical 196 |
Example sentences that contain Big Bird in chinese:
Big Bird's friend has nine cats
Big Bird's favorite color is green
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Inocencio | 爱诺森斯哦 |
Vanesa Maria | 凡妮莎·玛丽亚 |
Nica | 尼卡 |
Xuetong | 学童 |
Julita | 小朱莉 |
Bojiayaya | 博家雅雅 |
Jociles | 乔西莱斯 |
Shannen | 香嫩 |
James Chares | 詹姆斯·查雷斯 |
Dulce Jaciel | 杜尔塞·贾希尔 |