Your name in chinese Bite
How is Bite written in chinese?
Bite in simplified chinese:
Bite in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Bite in chinese?
Bite transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Bite in chinese:
Picture of the name Bite in chinese:

Meaning of Bite characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
咬 | bite, gnaw |
Example sentences that contain Bite in chinese:
Bite's friend has eight cats
Bite's favorite color is yellow
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Shir | 希尔 |
Okan | 奥坎 |
Wook | 伍克 |
Natali | 纳塔利 |
Deyvid | 戴维德 |
Ceres | 谷神星 |
Khushi | 库什 |
Aliana | 艾莉安娜 |
Jase Watkins | 杰斯·沃特金斯 |
Luis Enrique | 路易斯·恩里克 |