Your name in chinese Bo Shen
How is Bo Shen written in chinese?
Bo Shen in simplified chinese:
Bo Shen in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Bo Shen in chinese?
Bo Shen transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Bo Shen in chinese:
Picture of the name Bo Shen in chinese:

Meaning of Bo Shen characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
沉 | sink, submerge; addicted to |
博 | gamble, play games; wide, broad |
Example sentences that contain Bo Shen in chinese:
Bo Shen wants to go to Peru
Bo Shen's friend has five televisions
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Farid | 法里德 |
Enshad | 恩沙德 |
Sincia | 辛西亚 |
Sonya | 索尼娅 |
Lao | 老挝 |
Ayni | 艾尼 |
Marey | 马雷 |
Ombeline | 欧贝林 |
Sedat | 镇静剂 |
Mel | 梅尔 |