Your name in chinese Bob Junger

How is Bob Junger written in chinese?

Bob Junger in simplified chinese:


Bob Junger in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Bob Junger in chinese?

Bob Junger transcribed to pinyin:

bào bó · róng gé

Pronunciation of Bob Junger in chinese:

Picture of the name Bob Junger in chinese:

The name Bob Junger in chinese characters

Meaning of Bob Junger characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
abalone; dried fish; surname
suddenly, sudden, quick
· Meaning not available
looks, appearance; figure, form
pattern, standard, form; style

Example sentences that contain Bob Junger in chinese:

Bob Junger has given seven houses a Izzy


bàobó·rónggé gěi yīzī sòngle qī jiān fángzi

Bob Junger wants to go to Russia


bàobó·rónggé xiǎng qù éguó

Bob Junger now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
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Nolberto 诺尔贝托
Artut 阿图特
Incarnation 化身
Leana 莱安娜
Melike 梅利克
Jesus Cristo 基督耶稣
Antonio Ramon 安东尼奥·拉蒙
Briam 布里亚姆

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