Your name in chinese Bones
How is Bones written in chinese?
Bones in simplified chinese:
Bones in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Bones in chinese?
Bones transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Bones in chinese:
Picture of the name Bones in chinese:

Meaning of Bones characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
骨 | bone; skeleton; frame, framework |
头 | head; top; chief, first; boss |
Example sentences that contain Bones in chinese:
Bones is studying french
Bones has given three motorcycles a Yannik
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Mie | 三重 |
Maria Salud | 玛丽亚健康 |
Helen | 海伦 |
Koi | 锦鲤 |
Yosie | 约西 |
Robert | 罗伯特 |
Musy | 缪斯 |
Nagaraj | 纳加拉吉 |
Marie Alix | 玛丽·艾利克斯 |
Haker | 哈克 |