Your name in chinese Bongxie

How is Bongxie written in chinese?

Bongxie in simplified chinese:


Bongxie in traditional chinese:


How to pronounce Bongxie in chinese?

Bongxie transcribed to pinyin:

bāng xiē

Pronunciation of Bongxie in chinese:

Picture of the name Bongxie in chinese:

The name Bongxie in chinese characters

Meaning of Bongxie characters in chinese:

Character Meaning
nation, country, state
rest, stop, lodge

Example sentences that contain Bongxie in chinese:

Bongxie's friend has seven houses


bāngxiē de péngyǒu yǒu qī jiān fángzi

Bongxie's favorite color is yellow


bāngxiē zuì xǐhuān de yánsè shì huángsè

Bongxie now also in japanese

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Other names in Mandarin Chinese:

Name Characters
Jose Domingo 何塞·多明戈
Fatih 法提赫
Feriel 费里尔
Erdal 埃尔达尔
Tanmay 坦迈
El Houda 埃尔胡达
Nur Nayli 努尔奈里
Hendri 亨德里
Wang Yibo 王一博
Ilhem 伊尔赫姆

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