Your name in chinese Bontilao
How is Bontilao written in chinese?
Bontilao in simplified chinese:
Bontilao in traditional chinese:
How to pronounce Bontilao in chinese?
Bontilao transcribed to pinyin:
Pronunciation of Bontilao in chinese:
Picture of the name Bontilao in chinese:

Meaning of Bontilao characters in chinese:
Character | Meaning |
邦 | nation, country, state |
提 | hold in hand; lift in hand |
劳 | labor, toil, do manual work |
Example sentences that contain Bontilao in chinese:
Bontilao's favorite fruit is the handle
Bontilao's friend has six cats
Other names in Mandarin Chinese:
Name | Characters |
Dawneva | 道涅娃 |
Pillado | 皮拉多 |
Elber | 埃尔伯 |
Jorge Alfredo | 豪尔赫·阿尔弗雷多 |
Kaizen | 改善 |
Domingo | 多明哥 |
Jamela | 贾梅拉 |
Yusof | 尤索夫 |
Annmarie | 安玛丽 |
Wilmarie | 威尔玛丽 |